Sensory Dome

Children get a kick from the Sensory Dome: thrills, chills and wonderous optic phenomena in a friendly, fun sensory playscape. The Sensory Dome features a rich variety of novel play activities that intrigue, retain and develop children of all abilities in play. The huge nets are suspended vertically as well as horizontally to cater for climbs that are thrilling and meeting points for chilling. The age-appropriate training of muscles and motor skills when crawling, climbing and navigating through the net scape of the Dome provide children with important play benefits such as strength, stability and confidence in moving. On ground level, varied nets sway when children climb above, creating playful movement and a sense of unity in players. The transparency of the Sensory Dome makes it a play unit for intense cooperation, consideration and communication across levels and activities.

CAD Drawings BIM Models KOMPAN, Inc. Sensory Dome

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Sensory Dome
Sensory Dome

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