Thomas Steele

Walden Receptacle

Walden litter and ash receptacles are constructed with the following components; Side: 1 x 3 Boards; Frame: x 1 and x 3 Steel Bar. There is an optional pedestal mount for litter receptacles. Other choices for litter receptacles include: Flat Lid, Dome Lid, Elevated Dome Lid, and a Crowne Lid. Plastic liners come in two sizes: 26 and 32 gallons. Other choices for ash receptacles include; Ash Dome Lid, Elevated Ash Dome Lid, and a Crowne Ash Lid.
CAD Drawings BIM Models Thomas Steele Walden Receptacle
CAD Drawings BIM Models Thomas Steele Walden Receptacle CAD Drawings BIM Models Thomas Steele Walden Receptacle

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