Douglas Industries, Inc.

Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System

Redesigned and built for durability and playing performance at an affordable price for home owners and recreational establishments. All components of our Douglas® D-Pro™ MAX Basketball Systems have been meticulously tested to bring you the all-time best basketball system on the market. Take our word for it.

Our team has over 50 years’ experience manufacturing elite sports equipment and we’re not slowing down anytime soon. So, get ready to slam and bring the arena to your own backyard with Douglas®.
CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System
CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System CAD Drawings Douglas Industries, Inc. Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System

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Douglas® D-Pro™ 435 MAX Basketball System


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