Valet Booth
Valet parking is a true touch of class for many businesses and the level of convenience offered to customers will keep them happy. A proper valet booth shelter from Par-Kut is attractive and offers protection from the elements, easy access to customers, and adequate space for key storage. Large scale operation? No problem! Par-Kut manufactures portable steel buildings up to 12' x 32' with or without restroom facilities.
Welded galvanized steel valet booths and shelters stand up to the elements as well as the rigors of daily use by fast moving valets. Heat and light are standard features. Air conditioning and tinted glass are available as well as a whole host of style options to enable the designer to fit the valet booth in with the surrounding architecture. Options for cash handling can further customize the booth to suit a particular location’s needs.
Give Par-Kut a call or send an e-mail today to learn more about a smart investment in a portable steel building.
Model PREZ-003: Valet Booth - Plan View, Section, Service Entrance/Anchor Bolt Layout, Legend
Model PREZ-003: Valet Booth - Elevations