Bullet Resistant Booth
Looking for a bullet proof building or bullet resistant booth? While there is really no such thing as “bullet proof”, a bullet resistant building protects the occupants within (security officers, parking lot attendants, ticket sellers, etc.). Depending on usage and perceived threat level, Par-Kut bullet resistant enclosures offer protection against weapons ranging from 9mm handguns to automatic assault weapons utilizing armor piercing bullets. Par-Kut bullet resistant enclosures meet levels UL8, NIJ4 and higher and can be engineered to meet blast load requirements.
Bullet resistant enclosures may be installed on overbuilt trailers or on top of open or hard plate enclosed towers up to 40' high. A standing seam hip roof can be installed to to a bullet resistant guard booth shed lob explosives.
The bullet resistant enclosure option list is extensive and includes electrical battery backup systems, reflective glass, gun ports, safety rails and roof or floor access hatches.
A bullet resistant guard booth can also include camouflage paint, anti fatigue floor mats, dimmable or red interior lighting and even a generator. Bullet resistant guard booths can have a very basic appearance or can incorporate design enhancements to suit special location requirements.
In addition to the high security line of bullet resistant enclosures, Par-Kut can upgrade its line of Architectural designs to bullet resistant construction.
Model PAR-001: Bullet Resistant Booth - Plan View, Service Entrance/Anchor Bolt Layout, Legend
Model PAR-001: Bullet Resistant Booth - Elevations, Section