Postal Products Unlimited, Inc.

1600 Series Private Use Mailboxes

The front-loading 1600 series horizontal mailboxes are designed for use in large, private installations not serviced by the USPS, including universities, colleges, military bases, and office buildings.

The smaller compartment size does not meet USPS regulations, but because more mailboxes can fit into each module, it is very convenient when working with limited wall spaces. These private distribution 1600 mailbox units do meet all other USPS regulations.

Tenant compartments measure 4" x 5" and feature a 5-pin cam lock, two keys, and a plastic number slot for tenant identification. Please note: one door will be used as a master door and therefore cannot be used as a tenant door. This door can still be used as an office dropbox or outgoing mail slot upon request.
CAD Drawings Postal Products Unlimited, Inc. 1600 Series Private Use Mailboxes

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