Superior Recreational Products | Playgrounds

Ages 5-12: R3-10074

The recycled posts and decking of this unit give off a more natural look and would pair nicely with engineered wood fiber (playground mulch) to continue along with the natural, earthy element. The driving panel and clock panel will surely provide learning opportunities amidst the children's play time. There is also an ADA transfer station for children of all abilities. The abundance of play activities that this recycled structure offers will have children playing for hours! THE R3-10074-1 is for children aged 2-5 and will allow 30 toddlers to play at once. The overall size is 22 feet by 16 feet and requires a 34 feet by 28 feet use zone.
CAD Drawings Superior Recreational Products | Playgrounds Ages 5-12: R3-10074

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