FUSION™ DRILLFREE™ by Carter Architectural Panels Inc.

FUSION285 - NFPA285 Wall Assembly

The FUSION™ DRILLFREE™ extrusion system enables any panel fabricator interested, to increase their productivity and hence, profitability. The numerous benefits are the result of our patent pending design, which increases performance on the shop floor, as well as, the site installation. The preference for the DRILLFREE™ over conventional perimeter extrusion, has been based on a decision of economics and innovation in the workplace, as determined by other end users. Carter Architectural designed the FUSION™ DRILLFREE™ extrusion system to be efficient and effective in its structural role, advantageous in the assembly process and increase throughput of panel production.
CAD Drawings FUSION™ DRILLFREE™ by Carter Architectural Panels Inc. FUSION285 - NFPA285 Wall Assembly

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