BrockFILL is an organic wood particle specifically engineered as a performance infill for athletic turf that is also ideal for landscape turf applications. To create BrockFILL, an FSC certified tree goes through a proprietary 9-step process and is converted into small, smooth particles that don’t compact over time, are highly durable, and offer better traction and footing, and less splash than other infill materials. There are no coatings or additives of any kind. There is zero waste in production and 100% of the tree is ultimately utilized.
BrockFILL is the coolest of all infill materials and does not require watering to prevent breakdown. Each BrockFILL particle is naturally hydrophilic, so they absorb natural rainwater and condensation into their core, not just on the surface. Moisture is then released slowly for extended evaporative cooling. Turf surface temperatures can be reduced up to 40°F depending on climatic conditions. Plus, BrockFILL gains weight when wet, so it doesn’t float or migrate.
It has been proven in many player studies that athletes prefer natural turf to artificial. Those same studies show that artificial turf fields that use shock pads are universally preferred over those that do not. So the least preferred system by athletes is artificial turf directly over stone. Additionally, 1-in-5 concussions happen when the head hits the surface, and lower leg injuries are higher on conventional artificial turf than on natural grass. All this has led to a paradigm shift in thinking about artificial turf safety and why it is essential that it mimics quality natural turf.

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