Archatrak Pedestals And Pavers

Modular Decks: StreetDeck

Archatrak "StreetDeck" modular decks enable completely self contained decks or Parklets to be constructed over uneven or sloping surfaces. The pedestal supported, porcelain paver deck is constrained by a stainless steel perimeter, also supported by adjustable height pedestals. The deck can be extended in any direction at will by adding additional perimeter sections, pedestals and pavers. "StreetDeck" can be used in both permanent installations or can be easily disassembled and reassembled for seasonal or temporary applications. A complementary range of planters, railings and bench seating is also available from Archatrak as required.
CAD Drawings Archatrak Pedestals And Pavers Modular Decks: StreetDeck

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