Ocean Giant L & Side Tower

WOW! The Ocean Giant L's high climb-balance-slide-meet features attract children hugely. The Giant has a unique variety of speedy sliding and gliding, gentle swaying and not least challenging climbing activities. All these are in a see-through tower, promoting thrill and social interaction. This ensures vigorous play, over and over. The open and closed slide and the fireman's pole and banister bars offer each their fast ride. This is severe fun and it stimulates social-emotional skills such as self-regulation and empathy. The balance bridge and the many climbing activities add thrill to the open towers also. This stimulates cross-coordination, and the senses of balance and space, useful in e.g. managing street traffic. On ground level there is room for socializing in the swaying hammocks. This adds an active rest point to make friends in play.
CAD Drawings BIM Models KOMPAN, Inc. Ocean Giant L & Side Tower

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