VaporDry® Self Adhered Roof Underlayment
VaporDry SA is one of the only fully self-adhered, vapor permeable underlayments. The continuous acrylic adhesive provides enhanced sealability, while reducing the potential of damage due to moisture build up. VaporDry SA helps to create a high-performance roof assembly when paired with Cedar Breather® Roof Ventilation Mat and Rapid Ridge® 7.
Can be used with Cedar Breather Ventilated Underlayment for maximum drying potential in wood, metal, and cold roof applications
Approved for use with all roofing types with a pitch 3:12 or greater
Provides enhanced protection from the elements during ‘dry-in’ period
Slip-resistant surface & printed overlap guides for an easier install
Meets ASTM D1970 testing standard for roofing underlayment

VaporDry Self Adhered Roof Underlayment: VaporDry SA - Cedar Breather-Wood Shakes-Ridge Vent
VaporDry Self Adhered Eave Detail: Additional Eave Protection
VaporDry Self Adhered Roof Underlayment: VaporDry Self Adhered Eave Detail
VaporDry Self Adhered Roof Underlayment: VaporDry Self Adhered Rake Detail
VaporDry Self Adhered Roof: VaporDry SA Roof to Vertical Front Wall Intersection
VaporDry Self Adhered Roof: VaporDry SA Sloped Roof to Vertical Side Wall Intersection