91R™ Glass Pavers & Metal Systems
Our 91R solid glass paver and metal panels are the top choice for projects requiring maximum glass coverage and the highest illumination in a modular design. This glass floor panel incorporates square glass paver units into a metal framework that is tailored to fit each project.
These glass landing panels are ideal as flooring features. They add elegance to bridges, stair treads, and anywhere else they are used. Our design and engineering team can customize glass stair landing panels that will fit and accentuate the space you are designing.
91R steel frameworks are finished with Circle Redmont’s white or black 2-part epoxy prime urethane high gloss top coat. Stainless steel panels are finished with our non-directional bead blast finish. Other paint colors and stainless-steel finishes are available.
Glass Options:
Glass panels incorporate six inch (6″ or 8″) square glass pavers.
Sizes & Shapes:
We design and engineer our 91R panels for each project’s requirements. We ensure our structural metal frameworks will span virtually any opening. Solid glass pavers can be cut to accommodate the size or shape of your area.
Load Capabilities:
Panels are engineered and fabricated to a 100lb per sq. ft. live load over a four foot (4′) span, or panels can be customized to meet severe loading requirements (e.g. ASHTO HS 20-44).
91R glass floor panels require little or no maintenance other than an occasional washing with soap and water.