Luxury Boxwood Panel

The Vistafolia ‘Luxury Boxwood Panel’ has been designed to mimic the lush clipped Buxus hedge. The panel is backed with a 3mm stainless steel welded mesh which as well as offering unparallel longevity it can also be cut or bent to create any maintenance free hedging units either installed flat or bent to create 3 dimensional hedges. The dimensions are 31.\" X 31.5\" with a 32\" x 32\" coverage with foliage overlap. The panel will seamless join to create a green wall or hedge what ever the required dimensions. Created using Vistafolia’ s material formula including UV inhibitors and Fire retardant technology means this Luxury Boxwood panel will adhere to your building code requirements.

CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel
CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel CAD Drawings BIM Models VISTAFOLIA® LTD Luxury Boxwood Panel

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VistaFolia: Luxury Boxwood Panel
VistaFolia: Luxury Boxwood Panel

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