Ice Cream Parlor
Ice Cream Stand
Model #: TRK-00001
Actual Size: 4'-5" x 0'-8"
The Ice Cream Stand is perfect for imaginative play. Children will love stopping for a treat at the Ice Cream Stand. We us commercial grade components engineered to resist corrosion, fading and mildew so your playground will last. Available in multiple color combinations so you can find the right playground for you.
We designed all playground equipment to meet public playground safety standards (ASTM 1487 & CPSC) because we care about the safety of your children. It's a perfect addition to any park, school, apartment, early education center or other organization that enriches childhood through play.
Sensory & Dramatic Play (1):
Create a miniature city that helps build character, social skills, and promotes both pretend and interactive play. With so much to do, this town is sure to keep those little ones busy!

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