Harmonic Environments

Bintaro Xchange
Jakarta, Indonesia

Project Details

Jakarta, Indonesia
52' tall by 12' wide

Harmonic Environments worked closely with the expert staff of Prada Tata Indah – PTI General Contractor to deliver Jakarta’s first Harmonic Cascade Waterfall. The Bintaro Xchange Mall, known for its shopping, dining and entertainment, is now home to Indonesia’s tallest indoor water feature. This custom 52' tall by 12' wide Harmonic Cascade was beautifully and seamlessly integrated into the existing structure by PTI, creating an exquisite centerpiece for an already impressive venue.

PTI General Contractor is the exclusive source and installer of Harmonic Cascade® Waterfalls in Indonesia.

Products and Design Files

Project Resource Files

Harmonic Cascade® Waterfalls at Mandara Spa
Harmonic Cascade Waterfall
Harmonic Cascade LP
Harmonic Cascade - Bintaro Xchange Mall
Harmonics Environment Architectural Binder
Harmonics Environment Sales Brochure