
Block 9 Rooftop
Mississauga, ON

Project Details

Mississauga, ON

Block Nine Condos is a new condominium development by Amacon Development currently in pre-construction at Parkside Village Drive and Arbutus Way in Mississauga, Ontario with 2 proposed buildings each being 22 storeys in height and 3-storey townhomes.

Scope of work:

New roof top yoga pad and play area.

The install:

Safescapes applied a specified equivalent for this roof top project with EPDM rubber and SBR bonded base. Craning up 3000lbs bags of SBR for base preparations followed by spec’d colour top coat.

The result:

New colourful yoga pad for tenants to use. Small rope climber for children while their parents practice yoga.

Project Resource Files

Creating Gorgeous Border Around Luxury Pool
Beautifying Toronto Playground using Pour-in-Place Rubber Surfacing
Safescapes Product Brochure
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