Zoom Recreation

River City Christian Church
Sacramento, CA

Project Details

Sacramento, CA

Zoom Recreation was hired in order to install one of our FX nature themed tree structures made from 100% recyclable materials. We also installed the compacted sub base and pour-in-place rubber surfacing.

The Challenge

The Zoom team had to design a play area that would maximize the limited space and work with the storm drain that was located right in the center of the playground area.

-Toby Fernie, Zoom Recreation

Our Solution

Our team identified a configuration and placement of the footers that would not only fit in the tight space but also avoid any of our footers needing to go into the storm drain. The addition of pour-in-place rubber surfacing allowed the space to have proper drainage.

-Toby Fernie, Zoom Recreation

One-Of-A-Kind Treehouse Play Structure

Using our sustainable 6" square recycled plastic series, the Treehouse playground was provided for the 5-12 age group.

?Shade Structures And Amenities

To fully complete the design, we provided Benches and an Umbrella Shade Structure.

Products and Design Files

Project Resource Files

Catalogs & Promotions